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Dg & Safety
Module 4 - Classification and Labelling Page 4 of 6

Class 6 Toxic and Infectious Substances

Class 6 is divided into two divisions:

Division 6.1 Toxic Substances
Toxic (poisonous substances) are substances that are liable to cause death, injury or harm to human health if swallowed, inhaled or contacted by the skin.
e.g. arsenic, insecticides, snake venoms, pesticides

Toxic substances are classified into packing groups I, II and III, according to the degree of danger they present. Table 3.6.A of the DGR outlines how packing groups are determined based on oral, dermal or inhalation toxicity.


Division 6.2 Infectious Substances
This division includes substances that are infectious to humans and/or animals, genetically modified micro-organisms and organisms, biological products, cultures and clinical and medical waste.
Infectious substances are allocated to one of two categories depending upon the level of risk they present,
e.g. viruses, Bacteria such as HIV (AIDS), Rabies, some biological products, medical and clinical waste

  • Category A An infectious substance which is transported in a form that, when exposure to it occurs, is capable of causing permanent disability, life threatening or fatal disease to humans or animals.
  • Category B An infectious substance which does not meet the criteria for inclusion in Category A. e.g. anthrax, small pox, HIV, measles


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